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Schools Teach Children How To Masturbate

Schools Teach Children How To Masturbate

The World Health Organization and United Nations are now instructing educational authorities worldwide to teach little kids from the age of 5 about kissing, hugging, touching and sexual behaviors. 9-year-old children are to be taught about masturbation, sexual attraction and sexual stimulation. Several schools are organizing sex games, in which kids take the genitals of their classmates in their mouth, lick them, put their fingers in the vagina of girls and so on. “Little children are sexual…

The Fed Launches Phase One of Their CBDC This Month

The Fed Launches Phase One of Their CBDC This Month

The United Nations and World Economic Forum Agenda 2030 Great Reset’s worldwide social credit system has arrived! The Federal Reserve Bank’s FedNow is scheduled for launch by the end of July 2023. FedNow is officially an update to the Federal Reserve’s payment processing and settlement system. And appears to be a backdoor to creating a Central Bank Digital Currency. The World Economic Forum proclaimed that the entire world needs to switch to a Central Bank Digital Currency…

Medical Board Tries To DESTROY Dr. McCullough

Medical Board Tries To DESTROY Dr. McCullough For Exposing Covid 19 Vax Injuries

Dr. Peter McCullough joins Stew Peters to detail how the C-19 injections cause myocarditis, and how the American Board of Internal Medicine is trying to shut him down! Dr. Peter McCullough is a revered American internist, cardiologist, epidemiologist. He was vice chief of internal medicine at Baylor University Medical Center and a professor at Texas A&M University. He is also the Chief Scientific Officer for The Wellness Company ( and the most published cardio-renal physician in world…

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Worldwide Premiere: Final Days

World Premiere: Final Days

From the Directors of Died Suddenly‘: Final Days’ Exposes the Scientific Technological Elite and their desire to become gods. The Covid pandemic was the test run for an even more sinister plot to come. Source: Stew Peters Show

Died Suddenly - A Stew Peters' Documentary

Died Suddenly: A Stew Peters’ Documentary

Why do we never believe them? For centuries, the global elite have broadcast their intentions to depopulate the world – even to the point of carving them into stone. And yet… we never seem to believe them. Healthy adults are dropping dead all across the globe. In the last 18 months, the term “Died Suddenly” has risen to the very top of “most searched” Google terms. Now, the award-winning documentary team that brought you, “Watch The Water“,…

ISIS Greatest Fear Are Women With Guns

ISIS Greatest Fear Are Women With Guns

How Kurdish women soldiers are confronting ISIS on the front lines! In Iraq, an all-female unit within the Kurdistan Workers’ Party, or PKK, is on the front lines of a fierce battle against the Islamic State. Originally Aired May 3, 2015 it was banned from YouTube after Joe Biden became the president of the United States. What do you think?